Bulk Space Categories (labels)

Our Features

Add/remove space category to/from many spaces at once

Obtain a global overview

Lists available (used) space categories in all spaces that you can view.

Add/remove space category

By one click you can add or remove a space category to/from many spaces.

Quick search spaces

You have a lot of spaces? You can use pagination or live search space to rapidly find one or more spaces to select.

Getting Started


User's guide

1 – Overview

Bulk space categories is a handy tool for Confluence to add/remove space category to/from many spaces at once.

No configuration is needed to manage this add-on. You have only two simple steps to do bulk operation on space categories.

2 – Step 1

    1. Go to Spaces in the header.
    2. Choose Bulk space categories

This step allows you to view:

  • Available space categories

Lists all space categories in spaces that you can view. A space categories overview helps you to decide about the new category to add.

  • Spaces 

A list of spaces with space key, space name and space categories. Only spaces that you have space permission administrator are listed.


3 – Step 2

To add or remove space category to/from spaces:

  1. Enter a label.
  2. Select one or more spaces. Use pagination or the quick search to rapidly find the space.
  3. Choose Add or remove button.
  4. That’s it!